Robert Gates: ‘Legitimate Afgh…
Robert Gates: ‘Legitimate Afghan gov’t could take months.’ By months he means years, it should go without saying.
Forgetting Past Mistakes is to Repeat Them
Robert Gates: ‘Legitimate Afghan gov’t could take months.’ By months he means years, it should go without saying.
Even Helen Thomas is willing to say that the Obama administration’s stonewalling of Fox is the work of mental midgets.
George Will ‘sentences that begin “The president says” are not as impressive as they used to be.’ The best zingers are the true ones.
Bizarre: 3 runners die in one Detroit marathon. No, none were shot and no, it’s not an excuse to become a fat slob.
The Obama administration will no longer pursue the course of harassing patients using medical marijuana or their providers in states where the drug is legal …
Pakistan’s offensive kills 60 terrorists. Great news; hopefully the count is accurate or, better yet, low.
Big government freaks, I want my big-screen TV! Is there no end to liberal stupidity?
Dear Signor Berlusconi: I thought the idea was to kill Taliban terrorists, not give them payola…
LGF’s Charles Johnson wonders why so many support *white supremacist* RS McCain. Perhaps its because WS is a smear.
UK Muslim group demands full Sharia law, massive rally. It’s inevitable that this conflict occur. Which side are u on?