The E.U. wants a massive outla…
The E.U. wants a massive outlay to reduce emissions by 2020. The U.S. should see if it kills their economy b4 acting.
Forgetting Past Mistakes is to Repeat Them
The E.U. wants a massive outlay to reduce emissions by 2020. The U.S. should see if it kills their economy b4 acting.
Fed. judge cuts terrorist’s jail time b/c he wasn’t told where/when to pray. Civilian judges can’t handle these cases.
Genius Muslim dad runs over daughter for being too American (; wife cuts up husband for same. Wow.
Vatican says Halloween is evil, scary, and unChristian. All true, but people have got to have some fun sometime.
The overblown, self-important angst of some liberals is so stupid it’s painfully funny to watch. The cold shower to this humor is the knowledge that …
Obama signs ‘hate crimes’ bill, begs the question: Is there any unconstitutional spam he won’t sign to get Dems votes?
Dick Cheney supports Kay Bailey Hutchison. Rick Perry’s days as Texas governor are nearing an end.
Stunning: Taxes drive people & businesses away. Of course, a modern liberal would want to force them to stay (and pay).
Questioning a stolen election may be a crime in Iran, Khameini, but God knows it will never be wrong. #iranelection
California girl’s homecoming dance ends with 2 hour gang rape. Still think there’s no use for the death penalty?