What could be more democratic …
What could be more democratic and more American than everyone paying the same percentage of their income in taxes?
Forgetting Past Mistakes is to Repeat Them
What could be more democratic and more American than everyone paying the same percentage of their income in taxes?
Liberals like to talk about fairness, but their ideas are based entirely on wealth redistribution, which is inherently unfair.
Unelect Paul Ryan @rconniff? Yeah, getting of one the few reps trying to do right by our kids is certainly something to be proud of …
Who will join Bradley Manning in solitary? @davewiner // Paul Ryan and Rand Paul, if Obama had his way.
RT @jimmiebjr RT @TXTrendyChick: #AtlasShrugged Go see this movie. #ForAmerica // 3:45 today in College Station
RT @lesliecarbone RT @FarRightGirl: Life is not fair. America is different because it values freedom not fairness.
Half of U.S. meat supply contaminated. Scary. http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/04/15/nearly-half-meat-tainted-drug-resistant-bacteria
RT @davewiner Obama Speech Defends Liberal Principles. http://r2.ly/9pgq // There’s no defense for ideologies based on forcible confiscation
All the free-love hippies shoulda had kids instead of just screwing, then aborting them. @davewiner // Hindsight!
We need our reps to be independent stewards of our will, not the machines’. Only in this way are Congressmen able to do what’s right.