Obama Adjusts Abortion Position to the Good
In 2007, Barack Obama blasted the Supreme Court for enforcing the Bush administration’s ban on late-term abortions. Now he’s singing a different tune, one that …
Forgetting Past Mistakes is to Repeat Them
In 2007, Barack Obama blasted the Supreme Court for enforcing the Bush administration’s ban on late-term abortions. Now he’s singing a different tune, one that …
The thick, bittersweet irony of the Supreme Court’s ruling that struck down Washington D.C.’s ban on "live" guns is that is has the left-wing, anti-gun …
The New York Times says that a 3-person panel from the U.S. Appeals Court 4th Circuit has rejected the state’s partial birth abortion law, a …
Aliza Shvarts, a Yalie art major, will be displaying her senior art project on campus next week. The content: videos of herself suffering through a …
Samantha Torrence says: "One of the major societal epidemics in America today is the lack of respect for not only the sanctity of life, but …
There have been several anti-torture articles today, most in opposition to the practice. I’m glad of that – no one should want to have to …
Jamie Crawford at CNN’s Political Ticker blog reports this about Mike Huckabee: “Sometimes we talk about why we’re importing so many people in our workforce,” …
Pope Benedict said today that abortion is not a fundamental human right. The 80-year-old German Pontiff told diplomats and representatives of international organizations that Europe could not …
Dr. Jack Kevorkian will be released on parole June 1st after serving 8 years in prison for helping a 52 year old main suffering from …
Rudy Guiliani recently ensured that anti-abortion Republicans would have to look elsewhere for a candidate who represents them on that issue by re-stating his belief …