October 22, 2024

Pakistan Acts, Finally

Pakistan has been a virtual scourge to terrorists lately. Witness these reports:
– Pakistan arrests 7 over Karachi car bomb
U.S. eager to question suspected 9/11 plotter
Pakistan – a safe haven for al Qaeda?

The CNN.com stories above show a changing face to the country. Let’s hope Pakistan can continue to be a positive force in world events. Let’s hope the country can clean up it’s own internal problems, too. Let’s hope Pakistani women can walk down the street without being falsely accused of infidelity and gang-raped in retribution after being convicted without a trial of actions that are not criminal to begin with. Let’s just hope.


Marc is a software developer, writer, and part-time political know-it-all who currently resides in Texas in the good ol' U.S.A.

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